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Špela Čadež
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Returning to Short of the Week after her festival favourite short Nighthawk wowed audiences in 2017, Spela Cadez is back with her Annecy-winning, Oscar-shortlisted new film Steakhouse. Building on the impressive multiplane animation techniques displayed in her previous short, her latest film blends this distinct aesthetic with a simmering narrative focused on the often concealed abuse that is domestic violence.

Regie: Špela Čadež, Land: SI/HR, Produktionsjahr: 2016, Laufzeit: 8 Minuten 45 Sekunden

Sprache: Slovenisch mit englischen Untertiteln
Drehbuch: Gregor Zorc, Špela Čadež
Produktion: Tina Smrekar, Špela Čadež, Vanja Andrijevic
Sound Design: Johanna Wienert
Musik: Tomaž Grom
Animation: Zarja Menart, Špela Čadež, Matej Lavrenčič
Schnitt: Iva Kraljevic, Verleih: Bonobostudio

→ Empfehlung von Annette Schindler, Direktorin Fantoche, Int. Animationsfilmfestival Baden,